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    Mahlo GmbH + Co. KG

    Donaustr. 12


    +49 9441 601-0

    Mahlo GmbH + Co. KG is one of the world's leading manufacturers of monitoring, control and automation systems for not only the textile and allied finishing industries but also the paper, foil and coating sectors. This long-established company in Bavaria was founded in 1945 by Dr. Heinz Mahlo, and has remained up to now a family-owned concern that has steadfastly maintained its standing in the global marketplace. Through a worldwide network of agencies and service centres and a high standard of quality allied to strong customer ties, the individual requirements of Mahlo's clientele are satisfied in full. Due to the exorbitant rising costs for raw material, energy and water as well as the high expenses for pollution control it is more important than ever to keep an eye on these issues. The products of Mahlo are designed to set new standards in quality assurance and process optimization. The aim is to work together with the customer to identify the most competitive and cost-effective production solutions. The ultimate purpose of this strategy is to maximize ROI by reducing the usage of energy, raw material and human resources while optimizing quality, equipment utilization and work flow. The range of products and system-related solutions is most comprehensive. It varies from process control systems for parameters like basis weight, moisture or thickness, over product inspection systems to web guiding systems.

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